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magic afternoon

this afternoon at SM Clark fountain, a long haired guy with tattoos just came up to me and planted a seed on me. This seed was the seed of a challenging business matter. He played his cards right- and I mean right. He played David Blaine for an afternoon and got me entertained, but wait, here comes the 'peak.' He then went inside my brain to test if he can hook me up and do things, but i caME UP with this ultra sensitive conversation having him admit he is already MARRIEd and we can't have xes. 
It was enjoyable though. My teenage appeal didn't make him realize that i have the brain of a thirty year old. :D

1 comment:

  1. This is a good start for me to keep drawing and fulfill my fantasies of having a tattoo business.
    He said he owned a shop here and in Batangas, and maybe this is an opportunity to get me inked up! All I am is a canvas with charcoal drawings, not colored yet.
    I want colors on my tattoo.
    As he just said, tattooing is a PASSION,
    not a FASHION. rings true,.
