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remedies for stomach bulges

I'm 20 turning 21 this September 13. This is how I'm battling with obesity. As a child, I grew up emotionally attached to food and all its danger. I was really obese I can't laugh when all the other kids laugh, I think I'm too heavy to function. I developed type one diabetes when I was eleven and got into oral medications such as glucophage 500. As I grew up, the doctor advised me to take insulin as an insulator for my swinging blood sugar levels and this has caused fat to accumulate in my stomach. Insulin is needed for our bodies to help break down glucose in our system, but I don't have that in my pancreas. Struggling with it, I tried some exercises and routine work to help balance out my weight and blood sugar levels. And now, my vision is improving, my skin looks clear and my sleeping pattern is well. I feel great!
 this is based on my own experiments and experiences as an insulin dependent person.

6 SIMPLE TRICKS to get rid of stomach bulges:

1) stay hydrated. drink 8-10 glasses of water a day for fast metabolism and to avoid "sleeping fat/sugar." you know what I mean. Green tea also helps to make the skin look younger and healthy
2) run/jog 30 mins. a day. It doesn't matter whether you jog at the park or run on the treadmill or do jump rope, as long as your heart pumps fast, making your blood circulation good.
3) sleep for 8 hours a day. Never miss out on this energy boosting/mind relaxing activity.
4) cut down on oily food. Fried chicken is fine, but limit it to twice a week only. Choose the breast when you eat fried chicken. later on, I'll be posting some recipes for chicken that's like fried chicken, but it's an alternative.
5) add oats and fiber to your diet. This not only sucks up stored fats in our intestines, but it improves our metabolism.
6) pat yourself on the back for doing these things everyday. congratulate yourselves. We are worth it. We deserve to enjoy life and be healthy while enjoying it.

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